Thursday, August 27, 2009

A little comparison

Nathan last August

Nathan this August


Nathan and I went to the park for a little while this evening. (someone was rather wound up after supper!) We didn't stay for too long because it was so hot, but boy did Nathan have fun!

Most of the half hour we were there Nathan spent going down this slide.

I love this grin!



Monday, August 24, 2009


Somebody got the great idea to take a picture of all three boys. Here are a few of the attempts:


Nathan got to swim in a big pool for the first time this weekend at the hotel. He had a blast!

A movie (it's a little fuzzy, but you can definitely hear that he was having fun!):

Farm boy

I think Nathan could easily be a farm boy. He was in his glory at his Great Grandma's farm this weekend. He got to see and sit on lots of tractors and there was all kinds of room to run and play in. Needless to say he spent quite a bit of time outside!

So how do I start this?

Being silly with Aunt Meg

Look out, here I come!


Some pictures of Nathan playing with his cousins Caleb and Owen:

On the road

We went to a family get together this weekend in northern Indiana. Here's Nathan with his new markers he got for the trip.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Yes, more swimming pictures. I can't help myself. :)

It's really a shame this child doesn't have anything to play with in the pool!

Nathan just loves it when we both kick our feet in the water. I just love seeing the look on his face!

Our little reader

Nathan was being very quiet yesterday afternoon, so I peeked into his room to see what he was up to. This is what I found. He's recently been showing more interesting in sitting and looking at books. I just love seeing him do this.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Well, not much to report from this weekend. Not even any pictures. Nathan came down with a fever on Thursday that turned out to be an ear infection so we stayed in this weekend and took care of our sick boy. He finally seems to be on the way up today. He's been acting more like himself. So worry not, pictures of the cuteness will return! :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just Laugh

Sometimes, all you can do is laugh.

We put Nathan to bed tonight and went into the kitchen to finish cleaning up the dishes. When we were done, we walked into the living room and heard a noise. Once we figured out that it was one of Nathan's books that make noise(and kept in his room) we peeked in his room to see what he was up to. We found him in the midst of this nest he made. He pulled every one of his books off the book shelf along with his pillow, blanket, and animals from his bed. We opened the door and there he sat looking at a book. I didn't get back fast enough with the camera to get him in the picture, but I had to take one anyway. It was just too funny.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

King Nathan

Nathan learned about King David at his Grandma and Grandpa's church on Sunday. They made crowns in his class. Here he is sporting his.


Nathan loves his Mickey Mouse. Whenever the theme song comes on, he has to dance. Lately, dancing has taken the form of running in circles. Here's a video of this morning's dancing:


We went to Mom and Dad's this weekend to help with a garage sale. Mom got a pool for Nathan. Here are some pictures of the fun:

Getting Grandma!

Getting Great Grandma!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Big brother in training

Nathan brought this bear and one of his diapers into the living room this afternoon. He then proceeded to try and put the diaper on (by pushing it as hard as he could on the bear!).

I got out one of the smaller diapers we have for the baby and we put it on the bear. He then carried it around and patted it like a baby. It was so sweet.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Another great day

Today was another glorious day. Here's a video of Nathan sliding into his pool. It's just so cute, I had to put it on here.

A beautiful Saturday

Yesterday was a gorgeous day here in Seymour and well took advantage of it. Nathan and took a walk in the morning on which Nathan mowed all the sidewalks for the neighbors. When we got home we did some drawing on the sidewalk (and stairs and porch and side of house...) with chalk. Then Nathan played with his tractor, truck and mower for a while. After nap we went back out and played some more. Nathan did some painting of the sidewalks with water, which he thought was really fun. Then he was pretty hot, so we got out the pool and played in the water a while. We had a really fun morning and afternoon just being and playing together. It was a good family day. :)