Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just a Tuesday

Nathan sporting his new sweats on this cool Tuesday morning.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mr. Fix-it

Nathan was very busy with his tools this afternoon.

Working on Mommy's sweeper

I'm not sure what was wrong with the rocking horse but it took some hammering and some tightening with the screwdriver.

Yes, he is pantless. We're still working on going potty. So when we're at home Nathan wears real underwear and no pants to make things a little easier. He's been doing great.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Just like Daddy

"playing" a video game with Daddy
(Nathan's controller didn't have batteries in it, but he thought he was playing!)

Monday, September 21, 2009

How precious

Daddy taught him this. It's just too cute.

(He says "Jesus, where are you?")

Saturday, September 19, 2009


We took Nathan to the Indy Zoo today for the first time. We all had so much fun. It was a gorgeous day to go. Here are a few(or maybe more than a few...) pictures:

Checking out the tiger

Nathan was quite taken with the bears.

Zoo Continued

Nathan called this "brown bear, brown bear" (like the book)

Nathan was quite taken with the ducks.



Nathan looking for more ducks.

Zoo Picture

I thought it would be fun to take a self portrait of us in front of the giraffes. Nathan wasn't too cooperative.

Pretty good picture of Dustin and I and the back of Nathan's head.

He really wasn't impressed with this attempt.

Zoo Continued

Nathan trying to get under the fence into the elephant area.

Yep, we even found a slide.

Looking at the monkeys. (well, gibbons- but monkeys to Nathan)

Having fun walking with daddy.

Cool dude ready to go see more animals after our picnic lunch.

Zoo Cont.

Penguins. Nathan actually seemed to enjoy jumping of the little ledge he's standing on here more than he did the penguins!

Nathan and Mommy after checking out the polar bear.

Petting a goat.

We of course had to ride the carousel.

We barely got out of downtown before our sleepy boy was asleep. He snoozed with his new monkey he got at the zoo.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Morning with my little guy

Dustin was gone for most of the morning yesterday, so Nathan and I spent the cool morning out playing. Here are some pictures:

It doesn't get much cuter than this!

Morning 2

Aww, sweet boy.

I'm not sure what this look was about.

Park 1

We took Nathan to the park yesterday afternoon. It was such a pretty afternoon to go. We all had so much fun! :)

Park 2

Big boy!

Our little monkey

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Our gentle artist


Nathan and I have been doing some apple activities this week. Today we made a hand/finger print apple tree. He had quite a lot of fun painting.

After finishing the apple tree I gave Nathan a new piece of paper and more paint and turned him loose. He was saying "oh no, hands!" as I took this picture.


Nathan bringing in the harvest.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hop on Pop


This was just too precious to not get a picture of. I put my book down and walked away to do something and came back and found this.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


After Dustin mowed, Nathan had to help him "weep".

Most of his sweeping was done with the wrong end of the broom. It was also pretty fun to walk through the pile daddy had already swept!

Lil' Conductor

We didn't have any idea when we got this train set for Nathan for Christmas just how much he'd play with it.