Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pumpkin Fun

I found Nathan some little pumpkins at the store this morning. They were quite a hit.

Silly boy

We colored on the pumpkins with markers too! (over and over!)

Trick or Treating

Our little monkey:

Having a sucker on the way to Gran and Papaw's and Great Grandma's house. He just couldn't stand it any longer. He really wanted a sucker from his bounty!

Hi Great Grandma!


I definitely should have tried to get this video before the trick or treating and sucker! We just love how he says monkey. I just had to post this one too. (sorry, it turned out rather dark!)

Trick or Treat

It's just too cute how he says it. We had to get it on video. :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A manly afternoon

Nathan helped Dustin work on the deck today. Yep, he's wearing a home depot apron. :)

My hard working guys


Playing with this rock kept him busy for quite a while.

Hard at work

Here's a little video of our carpenter hard at work:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


We went for a walk this afternoon and came upon the firetruck. Nathan was quite taken with it.


We went out and enjoyed the lovely fall afternoon. For some reason Nathan walked down the steps, walked right over and sat here:

Ready to go

Nathan really wanted to go somewhere, so he went and got his hat, coat, and shades.

Friday, October 9, 2009

All in a row

After playing with his cars and trucks for a while, Nathan decided to park them all.

Sleepy Boy

I woke Nathan up after 3 hours of a nap thinking he really out to get up. He didn't seem to be so sure about the being awake thing. I sat him with me on the couch and he went right back out. Sleepy boy :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

silly boy

Nathan and I were snuggling on the couch together. I got up and when I came back this is what I found. He said, "My bed!"

Nathan being silly with his shirt.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


This weekend was Oktoberfest in Seymour. A few pics:

Nathan with his Gran and Papaw listening to some street musicians.

Nathan found a tree to play in while we waited for the balloon glow to start.
When the first balloon fired up, Nathan went right over and sat down to watch. It was so cute, he was so serious about it.

Tired boy.

Balloon Glow

One of the Oktoberfest activities is balloon glow. Here are some pictures. It was so neat!

Watching the balloons with Daddy.

We heard quite a few "oh, wow!"s during this.

Mommy's turn to hold the squirmy tired boy :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009