Saturday, November 28, 2009

My boys on Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Grandma and the boys

Connor and his Grandpa were nap buddies

Aunt Meg and Connor having some pie

Being silly with my sister. I believe we were dancing.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Birthday Boy

Well, I can't believe it. Nathan is 2. Several pictures of the day:

Mickey balloon

Birthday shirt

Nathan couldn't get his fingers to make 2 the usual way, so he came up with this way.


Helping Mommy make the cake



A Pepsi truck like Papaws!

Hammer! shirt

New Bike!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My guys

Big brother

Nathan actually asked to hold Connor today. It was just too cute. I'm so glad he's starting to show that he likes his little brother. It's so sweet to see them together.

It doesn't look like it in this picture, but I did have a hold of Connor too.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A little photo shoot

We did a little photo shoot in the boys Brother shirts yesterday. I even managed to get a few good pictures!

Brother shirts!


Nathan is always trying to give Connor his paci back (whether he wants it or not!)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My boys


We ventured out today to go to church. We made it on time and everything! Here's a picture of Connor in his carseat all ready to go.


We tried Connor in the swing for the first time yesterday. He seems to like snoozing in it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Check out the cheeks and the chins on this baby! :)



Actually caught him awake!

Some cute pics of Nathan

Making cookies with Grandma

Reading the cookbook

Brushing doggy's teeth

Rocking his bear (yes, Corduroy is wearing a diaper)

Big brother

Nathan climbed up on the couch, put the boppy around himself, pointed to it and said, "sit here". So Dustin put Connor on there. Big brother seems to be getting a little braver when it comes to Connor.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Big Brother

Well Nathan is slowly coming around to Connor being here. He has stopped swinging wide as he walks around the bouncy chair. He will even walk up to Connor on purpose and very gently pat his head. I think he's coming around. :)

Going home

Getting dressed

Ready to go!

Checking out my bassinet

Meet Connor

Connor Edward Lafferty
November 5, 2009 12:18 p.m.
9 lbs 4 oz 20 in long