Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Working hard

I just love peaking into Nathan's room and finding him doing cute stuff like this.  He's even being safe and protecting his ears! :)

Oh, Connor

"I just wanted to check my email Mommy!"


I guess Nathan put this book in front of him.  I walked in to find him like this.  A reader already!


Connor boy practicing sitting up. 

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Musical Nathan

I had to post another video of Nathan singing. He's singing Old McDonald. We've really been getting a kick out of him singing now. It's just so cute. :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nathan singing his ABC's

I just love how proud he is at the end :)

(we brightened it up a little, that's why it's grainy)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Nathan singing

Nathan has recently starting singing along with songs. He was singing along with the bunny and singing "Jesus Loves Me" to Connor. I love his sweet little voice.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Children's Museum

This dinosaur exhibit is in this big dome room with lights and sounds and is quite an experience.  Nathan walked into the room and said, "Oh wow, it's so beautiful!"  Needless to say, he enjoyed the dinosaurs!
A Nathan-a-saurus
Digging for dinosaurs
Nathan and Mommy on the train.  The train section was quite a hit with Nathan as well.

Children's Museum Cont.

These pictures are from the Bob the Builder exhibit:
One of the many construction vehicles Nathan got to "drive"

Children's Museum Cont.

Playing in the sand

Children's Museum Cont.

We're pretty sure Nathan could have spent hours playing with this wheel barrel and the "rocks".  He was having sooo much fun!
 He was actually driving this with the hand cranks.  Very neat.
Another hand powered vehicle.  He really enjoyed these.

Children's Museum Cont.

It's a race!  (And Nathan won!)
Of course, we had to ride the carousel. :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ready for a walk!

We've been loving this warm weather lately.  The boys have been on a lot of walks!


Nathan sharing his Popsicle with Connor

A boy and his trains

Nathan putting his trains in his new shed.

My sweet baby

Oh Mommy, you're so funny!

An afternoon outside

It's really good we have Nathan around or those sidewalks would be so overgrown. :)
Hanging out on the porch

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A couple pictures from our day

Nathan figured out it's fun to "wind-up" for the slide by swinging on that bar.  It was really cute. :)
Hanging out with Papaw :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Coloring eggs

Our first year coloring eggs
Adding some bling (these things come with beads, sand, sequins and all kinds of stuff now!)
Very proud of our finished products
Putting eggs out for the bunny to find and hide

Friday, April 2, 2010

A morning at the park


The slide is just SO much fun. :)

Last summer this climb took LOTS of help.  This year, he climbed it like it was nothing.  My baby's growing up! :)
A little worn out from all the playing.
Connor also got worn out, but his was from all the watching.  That baby doesn't miss a thing. :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

New hat!

It's a little blurry, but the pose is sooo Nathan.  

My Nathan

He's wearing what he calls his drum on his back.  It actually the "bag" for his golf clubs.


The school bus rarely goes by unnoticed. :)

Enjoying a pretty day

Connor hanging on in the grass with Sophie his giraffe. (which, by the way, is the best teething toy ever!)

Happy boy :)