Friday, July 30, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy birthday Mom

We went to Greensburg last night for Mom's birthday
 Birthday girl with the boys :)
Mom even got a little help with the candles

Pepsi truck!

Papaw brought his pepsi truck by for Nathan to see. 
Drivin' :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fair night

Well, we braved the heat and went to the fair tonight.  Nathan had a blast!
Well, we did it the first time we took him to the fair.  It seems to have become a tradition of sorts. Dustin said tonight we'll have to have one of these pictures every year until he's too big. :)
2 boys and a tractor wheel
Nathan was quite taken with all the tractors
Petting a duckling
 Hi sheep!
Soft bunnies
We did quite a bit of clucking and cock-a-doodle do-ing at the chickens and rooster.  I don't think Nathan had ever heard a chicken cluck and was quite taken with it.  We had fun. :)
Connor on the carousel
Nathan on the carousel. (he and I rode the spinning strawberry ride behind them too.  He thought that was really fun!)
Nathan driving a school bus

There would have been more pictures had our camera battery not died on us.  It was really fun this year because Nathan was big enough to ride things.  In addition to the carousel, bus, and strawberry ride he also rode the ferris wheel with Dustin and they went down the Super Slide.  He played a little fishing game and won a little stuffed duck he was very proud of too.  There were several more rides Nathan could have ridden (and probably would have wanted to!) but man it was hot out there.  So we called it a night and came home.  All in all, a fun evening!

All done

Well, I have finally uploaded all the vacation photos.  From top to bottom they're in backwards order so you may want to scroll down and look at them in order.  Hope you enjoy!


Connor sporting one of his new vacation shirts yesterday.  Boy those boys were glad to be home!

Saturday - headed home

Connor and I hung out together in the backseat most of the way home. (Nathan was in Dad's truck)  Here, Connor fell asleep still holding the tail of the tiger from his book.
Look Mommy, my foot!
After about 12 hours in the car, the boys were both very glad to be out of there seats.  There was much silliness when we got to the hotel room. :)

Happy Anniversary !

Friday July 23rd was our 5th anniversary.  We  went out for a fancy dinner in Myrtle beach.  A picture of us before we left:


Our last morning on the beach:
 Trying to get a good shot of the boys together - this was as close as I got
The fam on the beach
I was trying to get a shot of all of Connor's curls after being out in the humidity.

Thursday - a few more

It seems to have been a very photogenic day. :)
 Nathan and Daddy spending a little time by the water after the kite flying
Nathan on what he referred to as his "mountain"
My babies on the beach
Connor and his Grandpa
I'll say it again, this baby loved the beach! :)
Playing in the waves with Grandma

Thursday - Kite Flying

First, figure out how to put the silly thing together.  
3 great minds making some minor adjustments
And we have lift off!
They sat this way quite a while Thursday evening flying the kite.  I think Nathan even started to nod off.

Dancing boy

Nathan dancing at Johnny Rockets:

Thursday part 2

Nathan and Uncle Adam
Mom and Meg
Nathan wearing the Johnny Rockets pin he got for being a good dancer.


Thursday morning we skipped our usual beach time and headed back to Broadway at the Beach to go to Ripleys Aquarium.
Nathan and a fish
Connor chillin' in the stroller by a BIG fish :)
Nathan would look at these but told us he did not want to touch them, they were scary!
Connor loved looking at the fish.  He would just grin great big at them.
Mommy and Connor by the big fish tank
Dustin, Nathan, and a big shark :)
Nathan, Aunt Megan, and the sea guy
I think one of those fish kinda looks like my Nathan...
The boys by the jellyfish
Checking out the rays.  This was such a neat exhibit.  They had soothing music playing and it was rather dark in there.  It was very relaxing.