Monday, May 30, 2011

5/14 - Helping Daddy with the garden

 Drink break

From 5/13 - Playing

 Nathan and Evie playing with sidewalk chalk

 Connor and Tony doing a little work on the workbench

Friday, May 27, 2011

Stitches out!

First, I'd like to apologize for being SO behind getting pictures posted.  I'll try and get caught up soon.  
Anyway, the reason for my post...Nathan's stitches are out!  He had a dr's appointment today and they took out his stitches.  He was a little champ and didn't complain.  He has to wear a band-aid on it for a couple of week to make sure the old nail doesn't get torn off until the new one underneath gets a chance to start growing in.  A couple of pictures from today:
Waiting for the Dr.  
No more bandage, just a band-aid now!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Our little soccer player

Nathan had his first soccer practice tonight.  He had a blast! :)  
 Coach was teaching them to do jumping jacks

 Pretty cool action shot
I love the grin on his face here.  He was having so much fun.

My Boys

 I just love watching my boys play.  They have so much fun together.

Happy Mother's Day

Friday, May 6, 2011


Friday afternoon

Helping Mommy do some digging


In the ongoing saga of Nathan's finger...we went to the pediatrician to get some help rewraping it.  Nathan was quite impressed that they used blue tape on the outside. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Yesterday's painting project.  We used matchbox cars.

Street Sweeper

This morning's excitement: The street sweeper!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Nathan had a check-up on his finger today and it's healing nicely.  I wasn't prepared to see the pin sticking out of the end of his finger, but the finger was pink and looked good.  The doctor wrapped it back up along with the rest of his arm to the elbow, and he keeps that on for 2 more weeks.  When we go back, he gets the pin and stitches taken out.
 Waiting (and waiting...) for the dr