Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Car Wash

They do porches too :)

Silly Monkey

To add to the silliness of this picture, he only had one boot on. :)

New Big Boy Bed

Monday, July 25, 2011

County Fair

Summer Fun

Bug in the tub

 Connor Bug enjoying having the tub to himself while Bubby was at VBS a couple weeks ago.
Quack Quack

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Yep, I used all caps for the title of this one because it has been that HOT. So this morning the kids and I went out at 9 am to play in the water.  There was certainly no way we were going out in that heat later in the day!
 I have found if I don't fill the top ring of this pool, then we can put the little slide in over the side.  Then I set the sprinkler up next to it so it goes on the slide.  They have quite a lot of fun sliding into the water.
Taking a break for popsicles!

Grandkids Weekend

Well, we spent this past weekend in Lafayette at the "Grandkids Weekend".  We all came home pretty tired, but a good time was had by all.
Pillow fight with Great Grandpa.  They had so much fun together. :)
 The boys having fun with Mommy and Aunt Meg's Sunglasses

 Connor found Cody's hat. He of course, had to wear it a while then. :)
 The boys playing cars with Cousin Cody

 Nathan with Cousin Abby playing Angry Birds on her phone. :)
On a side note, Connor called her "Babby" all weekend which was really adorable.
The boys playing with Cousin Chase after church.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4th Weekend

 Playing in the pool at Grandma and Grandpa's house
 Red, white, and blue.  Aren't they patriotic?
Nathan and Daniel getting some toys out to play with at Symphony on the Prairie
 Nathan, Daniel, and Benjamin with their temporary tattoos

 Connor hanging out with Grandma listening to the Symphony

The Symphony

Dad, Dustin, and Adam working on a picnic table for the boys
The boys' new picnic table :)