Monday, October 31, 2011


 We started our day making cookies to take for the church's Harvest Party
 After cookies, it was pumpkin time! :)

 We decided to paint the babies' pumpkins
 The finished products
 Thomas the Train
 Ready to trick-or-treat

 Peeking in at Great Grandma
 Trick or Treat Gran and Papaw!
 Goodies from Gran and Papaw

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Big Boy Bike!!

 We told him it was a big boy surprise just for him, but didn't tell him what was in the box.
 I love this one!  He figured out what it was. Love that smile :)

Story time

Nathan told me they were playing bedtime and he was reading Connor stories. It was so sweet!

A little painting

A Saturday Visit

On Saturday, the boys and I went to the 'Burg for a visit.  Dustin was gone for a church thing and Dad was at the farm.  So Mom, Grandma, and the boys and I spent the day together.
 Showing Great Grandma the Uno Farm game.
Racing cars down the table leaf with Grandma.  Definitely took me back, I remember doing this too. :)


Well, our clean mud and water beads both went bad on us.  So it was time to find something new for the sensory box.  I found a bag and a half of wheat flour in my cabinet that I didn't see using any time soon.  So, I added some measuring cups and spoons and they went at it.  Connor, of course, played until he realized he was getting dirty.  Then he was done. :)


To my wonderful family and friends.  I apologize, I'm SO behind!  :)  Last week was a crazy week.  Dustin had a rush project at work and was working 16 hour days.  This made for a long week for me on my own with the boys.  I was also sick all week and taking care of a sick Connor.  So not much blogging done then!  This week has been a little better.  I finally gave in and got some antibiotics from my OB, so I'm on the mend.  Nathan seems to have caught a mild version of what Connor and I had so we've just been taking it easy this week.  Now, to catch up...

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Halloween Preview

 If you know my darling oldest child at all, it should be no surprise that he's going to be Batman this year. :)  He wanted to be, "Batman with the shiny belt".   This means the blue batman.  So...the search began for pieces and supplies to put it together.  I was able to find this mask and cape on Amazon.  They came in the mail Friday.  He wore them for the rest of the day. :)  He saw this picture of himself and said, "I look pretty cool" :)
Our little dynamic duo.  Connor is actually not going to be Robin for Halloween.  He's going to be Thomas the Train.  However, seeing big brother running around with his cape on inspired him.  I wonder if Thomas the Train will end up with a cape on Halloween...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Dustin's Birthday

 This is the sign and 30 balloons we had waiting for Daddy when he got home.

I didn't get a very good picure of it, but the boys painted a picture frame for Daddy for his birthday. 

Reunion Highlights

Well, last weekend was the Lichty reunion.  It was gorgeous weather, and a good time was had by all.  I have way too many pictures to post all, so here's some highlights:
 There was an old barn turned basket ball gym to play in.
 The guys playing some corn hole
 Dad was able to run back to the burg to get Grandma so she could come visit for a little while.
 Saturday we had a "Night at the Oscars".  This was one of the commercial skits
 Connor enjoying some popcorn while watching the show.
 Another skit
 Cousins playing.  Nathan and Collin were "best fwiends" all weekend. :)
 Ready for the bonfire
 Oh yes, lots of smores were consumed!
Connor and his buddy Aunt Meg.  He really latched on to her this weekend!
Our picture from the Oscars

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ultrasound news!

Well, I had my 18 week ultrasound today.  We're having a boy and a girl!  The babies measure within a couple of days of how far along I am.  So they're as big as they should be.  They both weigh 8 oz and looked great!
 This is the best shot she could get of both babies together.  Baby girl is on top.  The circle on the top right is her head.  Then below the line is baby boy, laying on his side.
Baby girl laying face up.
Baby boy, facing down.  He wasn't as cooperative with giving a good picture.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


It's that time of year again!
 Waiting for Pommes Frites.  Seriously, the best fries!
 Connor really enjoyed his corn dog :)
Papaw got us doggie marionettes!  They walked those things all over Oktoberfest. :)