Monday, October 25, 2010

Playing in the leaves

 We don't have any trees in our yard, so we don't have many leaves.  Luckily, the next door neighbor does.  The boys had a blast playing in the leaves this afternoon while Dustin was working on the pumpkins.

 Making leaf angels

 Nathan took off his shoes and Connor took off with them.


 He was not happy that his hand got dirty in the pumpkin.
 When I asked Connor what he found in there the answer was, "ucky"

The finished products

"Look Mommy, a snowman!"



This is the cape I made Connor for Halloween.  The boys are going to be superheroes.  It probably wouldn't win any sewing awards, but I'm pretty proud of it. :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Huber's Orchard

We took the boys to Huber's Orchard today.  It's an orchard, pumpkin patch, farm, etc.
A few pictures:
(Ok, perhaps more than a few...)

 Feeding the ducks with Gran and Papaw

 Oh yeah, we both got to experience this slide a few times with Nathan :)
 Connor wasn't quite sure what to think about the cow...
 lots of animals...

 This kid can find a playground anywhere :)
 He seemed a little more taken with the bunnies.  I think they were a more manageable size.

 Yes, as it appears, I was running.  Nathan was about to hit the fence full speed!  I did catch him in time.  Whew :)

 These were so cute.  You put your token in, pushed the pedal and you were off.

 Wow, pumpkins!

 The fam

 On a mission

 This is it!

 Once finding out what these were, Nathan was quite taken with these photo-op things.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Big brother's biggest fan

The videos are in backwards order. So watch the Nathan one first, then this one. Every time Nathan sang his song, Connor clapped. It was too cute! :)

Connor had quite the hairdo going on didn't he? As Nathan would say, "He's got CRAZY hair." :)


Nathan made up a little song.  I think it might be about fire... :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Walking the dog

Connor figured out how to pull this little dog around today.  Not a major milestone, but just so darn cute!

2 boys and a laundry basket

The boys working on their act in hopes of someday being the new Stomp.

Men's work

The boys had to help Daddy change the taillight.

My Connor Boy

Colts fans

Unfortunately, all this team spirit did not help get a win .  Pretty cute picture though. :)


 Nathan at the balloon glow (one of my favorite parts of Oktoberfest)
 There were probably 10-12 balloons there.  It is SO neat.
Nathan, Me, and Nathan's light sword. :)
Connor trying some of the food of Oktoberfest.  This was his first time having corn on the cob and he LOVED it! :)

New carpet

Watching Thomas on Mommy's computer while we wait for the new carpet
Nathan trying out the new carpet :)

 Apparently the table looked like a stool...

Is this how this works Mommy?