Saturday, October 16, 2010

Huber's Orchard

We took the boys to Huber's Orchard today.  It's an orchard, pumpkin patch, farm, etc.
A few pictures:
(Ok, perhaps more than a few...)

 Feeding the ducks with Gran and Papaw

 Oh yeah, we both got to experience this slide a few times with Nathan :)
 Connor wasn't quite sure what to think about the cow...
 lots of animals...

 This kid can find a playground anywhere :)
 He seemed a little more taken with the bunnies.  I think they were a more manageable size.

 Yes, as it appears, I was running.  Nathan was about to hit the fence full speed!  I did catch him in time.  Whew :)

 These were so cute.  You put your token in, pushed the pedal and you were off.

 Wow, pumpkins!

 The fam

 On a mission

 This is it!

 Once finding out what these were, Nathan was quite taken with these photo-op things.

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