Friday, January 28, 2011

Hard at work

Hard at work coloring

Cabin fever

Well, I'd say cabin fever has definitely set in here at the Lafferty house.  I can tell the kiddos are getting tired of being cooped up indoors.  I got a little creative this week, trying to keep the crazy down a little:
 Earlier in the week I made the kids an obstacle course.  It involved balancing on blocks, jumping over blocks, going under the piano bench, riding the scooter to the rocking horse.  Rocking on the rocking horse and then rolling across Nathan's mattress that was on the floor.  They had a lot of fun with it.
Connor, of course, climbed on TOP of the piano bench instead of going under.
We also made a big tent one day this week, in the middle of the living room.  They all sat under it and snuggled on the big stuffed animals while watching a movie. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ring around the rosy

Nathan trying to do ring around the rosy with Connor:

A visit from the "Greats"

 Reading with Great Grandma

 Playing with the new barn Great Grandpa made for Nathan
 Both boys now have a rocking chair made by Great Grandpa

3 Little Monkeys

During a particularly wild morning, I had a great idea to get some of the "crazies" out.  I put Nathan's mattress on the floor and let the kids jump on it.  They had a blast!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Connor's favorite part of playing blocks?  Knocking them down! :)

Ah, my Nathan

Wearing a Santa hat, riding a giraffe, playing a drum.  What a boy!


Connor was trying really hard to pour more fish crackers into his bowl.

Playing blocks


"My guys"

Nathan wanted to sit, "right here with my guys" to have his apples.

Nathan says

I had a rather amusing conversation with Nathan today.  It went something like this:
N "Mommy, there's something in my foot"
There is?
N "Yes, there's something moving around in there."
Well sometimes when you sit or lay on your leg funny it might make your foot tingly.  It's ok.
N "No, there's something in there.  I think it's a snake."
I don't think there's a snake in your foot.
Stomping foot, "Get out of there, get out.  Mommy, how are we going to get it out of there?"

I did finally convince him there wasn't a snake in his foot.  It was so funny, he convinced there was a snake in his foot.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Into the music

My boys really get into their music


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Boys

Man I love these kids :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Project

Well, the boys were kind enough to share their stomach bug with Evie and Tony, so they weren't here today.  We took the opportunity to work on Connor's room a little...
After disassembling the changing table, we put these shelves together.
Ta da!
The finished product
The boys playing on the rocking chair.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mommy's helpers

This is what the boys do when I vacuum

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

First Trip to the Dentist

I'm so proud of my Nathan.  He had his first trip to the dentist.  He played quietly while they did my teeth.  Then, when it was his turn, he climbed right up there and let them look at and clean his teeth.  Such a big boy!

Monday, January 3, 2011


Another picture of my little climber...


The boys got a new table for Christmas.  
It's a good place for a snack. :)

New Years

The boys spent the weekend with Mom and Dad.  They got to see Aunt Brenda and Uncle Phil on Sunday too.