Friday, January 28, 2011

Cabin fever

Well, I'd say cabin fever has definitely set in here at the Lafferty house.  I can tell the kiddos are getting tired of being cooped up indoors.  I got a little creative this week, trying to keep the crazy down a little:
 Earlier in the week I made the kids an obstacle course.  It involved balancing on blocks, jumping over blocks, going under the piano bench, riding the scooter to the rocking horse.  Rocking on the rocking horse and then rolling across Nathan's mattress that was on the floor.  They had a lot of fun with it.
Connor, of course, climbed on TOP of the piano bench instead of going under.
We also made a big tent one day this week, in the middle of the living room.  They all sat under it and snuggled on the big stuffed animals while watching a movie. 

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