Sunday, April 24, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

A Rainy Day

Dustin was off work today (which means the folks of the kids I watch were too) so we decided to spend the cold rainy day at the Children's Museum.
 Waiting in line.  Silly us thought that there might be a lot of schools making up snow days, so it wouldn't be too busy.  Nope, it was crazy busy.  We still had a great time though.
 Digging for dinosaurs

 As part of a TV/Movie costume exhibit they had lots of costumes for kids to dress up in.  My boys, of course, had a blast with the capes.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Me and my Grandma

Caught you!

Mom walked out into the dining room to find Connor standing gleefully shaking the salt and pepper all over.  We laughed, took a picture, then got them away from him.  It was too funny!

Gator Driving

Mom and Dad have a gator for the boys to drive at their house.   It was a lovely day to get it out and do some driving. :)
 "Beep beep!" 
Connor wanted nothing to do with the gator if it was moving, but he liked sitting on it!

They eventually ran the battery down, so it was then Daddy powered :)

Visiting in the burg

We went to Mom and Dad's today to see them and Meg and Adam.
 Playing cars with Aunt Meg

 Hanging with Uncle Adam
Nathan had a blast playing with these legos.
As did the rest of us :)

Palm Sunday

So this was Nathan's first year to get to wave a palm, so I had to take a couple of little videos.
It's a fast one, but in this one he's walking in.
This one is hard to make out, but he's in the middle next to the girl in the teal.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Silly boys in the tub

Some bath-time fun :)
 Red tongues !

Ah, my silly boys :) 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring has Sprung

We put some daffodil bulbs in last fall for the first time.  I love all the happy little flowers that are blooming right now, so I thought I'd share a couple of pictures.

A sunny Sunday

Another lovely day:
 Sporting the new helmet and bell for his scooter
Trying to ride big brother's bike
I love watching those short little legs trot down the sidewalk.

Saturday in the 'Burg

Saturday we went to Greensburg to spend the day with Mom and Dad.  Some pictures of the boys having fun:
 2 boys in a box
 Exploring outside (Nathan got a new helmet and didn't want to take it off!)
 Both boys found this little wall quite fun to walk on
 Connor checking out the cornfield
 A little silly dancing on the deck
Connor chasing a toad we found in the yard.  He kept hopping away before Connor could touch him.  He did finally catch him!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


 My Connor bug loves hats :)
Wanted to wear the helmet just like big brother. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nathan singing at church

This video is the same as the first one posted.  I'm just trying a different way to post.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Nathan singing

Tonight at church, the kids sang a couple of songs for us.  Here's a clip of Nathan singing one of the songs.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A lovely day

Today was a lovely family day.  My super wonderful husband let me sleep in until almost nine!  We enjoyed a lazy morning and just spent time together. The boys and I took a walk after lunch to take in some of the beautiful sunshine.  Nathan had been begging to "go scootering" all morning, so he got a chance to do that.  After naps we spent the afternoon out enjoying the day.  There was bike riding, swinging, sliding, and walking all involved.  Then we headed to the in-laws for supper and spent the evening with them.  It was really a great day. :)
 Connor sort of rediscovered this tractor today and became quite attatched to it.  It had to be parked in his room tonight because he didn't want to let it go to go to bed!
 My sweet Nathan.  Such a handsome boy!
He was tired of riding it, but didn't want me to carry it.  So he dragged it for quite a bit of our walk.  Like I said, quite attached!

 Yep, he can climb the ladder by himself.
 Peeking over at Daddy
Getting tickled by Papaw! (I love this one!)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Silly boys

They both woke up full of it this morning.  They were having the best time playing together on the couch.  I love to watch them playing like this.