Saturday, June 25, 2011

Forestry Trip

Today we took the boys to the forestry over in Brownstown.
It was a fun afternoon, but boy are we all tired tonight!
 Nathan was very excited about the "adventure" we told him we were going on.  He took off up the stairs ready to get started! :)
 Connor wasn't quite as sure about all those steps...
 We took turns carrying Connor when he wanted it.  Those little legs just can't do much hiking.
 We unknowingly chose to do the "rugged" trail.  Whew.  We ended up just going up part way and coming back down.

 They have a couple of playgrounds there too.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


This week Nathan had his last soccer game of the season. He even kicked a goal in!  The boys all got medals at the end.  He was so proud of his! 

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Well, I write this bursting with pride. (In a good way of course)  Nathan went out and played with his team tonight at soccer!!! :)  He went right out there like he'd done it a hundred times and had a ball.
 Warming up with the team.
He had just kicked the ball when I took this picture.
It's just so cute to watch because they're all so little!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Yard Work

The boys helped me do a little watering in the backyard this evening...

One World, Many Stories

Tonight was the kick-off for the summer reading program at the public library.  We took the boys and all four of us signed up.
 A little ring toss game they had for the kids to play
 The boys listening to the live "world music".  They were both so good sitting there listening.  Connor clapped along and Nathan bopped along.
 Connor, of course had to make a stop at the train table.


Well, I am officially caught up.  Hopefully I can stay that way for a while. :)

Connor bug

While browsing the Gymboree website, I came upon this outfit and couldn't resist.  He's Connor Bug, Bug, or Little Bug so he just had to have this outfit. :)

Memorial Day 2

Sunday and Monday of the long weekend were spent with the Laffertys.  They got a slip and slide and a beach ball sprinkler for the boys.  Lots of fun followed.
Playing in the pool at the end of the slip n slide
 Yep, we got Dustin to do it too  :)
 All that playing makes a boy hungry!
 Popsicles for dessert

 We went back Monday for more fun!
 It started with one of the boys sitting on Papaw and went downhill from there...
Relaxing together and watching Cars.

Memorial Day

We spent the Saturday of Memorial Day in Greensburg.  It ended up being a really nice day and we were able to spend quite a bit of time outside.
 Connor with Great Grandpa playing with some rocks.  Mom and Dad have rocks in all their landscaping and the boys are quite taken with them.
 Mom made some patriotic cupcakes so Nathan got to help put the little flags in them.  He was so proud!
 Connor enjoying his cupcake.  Messy boy!
 Nathan's cookie was even patriotic

5/23 Mud!

The boys found a couple of mud puddles.  When it comes to kids and play, I've always been of the opinion that it's not a big deal to clean up a mess if a good fun experience was had.  This day was no exception.  I let them have at it in those mud puddles.  They had so much fun. :)  They definitely got stripped down and hosed off and then taken inside straight to the tub after this.

Snowy day 5/20

One thing you learn as a parent of a toddler is that quiet is not necessarily a good thing.  In our house, it usually means someone is up to something.  In this case it was Nathan, and the baby powder.  When asked, "Nathan, what are you doing?!" his response was that he was making it a "snowy day".   I'm still trying to get all the baby powder wiped off those toys.

5/19 Soccer Game

We kept Nathan home from his first soccer game because he still had a pin in his finger.  So it fell out on it's own in time for the second game.  A couple of pictures:
 His shirt is just a tad big :)
 Nathan's first game was also picture day.  This turned out to be a disaster because it was less than organize and there was a lot of standing around and waiting.  Add in that Nathan hadn't napped that day and was tired before it even began.  It's no wonder it wasn't a stellar first time on the field.
Well, you're looking at the one and only time Nathan stepped on the field.  Shortly after this picture was shot he came running of the field and refused to go back.  He was tired and it was a new thing, so I understand.  It really surprised me though.  I figured he' have a great time.  Oh well, we'll keep trying.  He does great at practice so I'm thinking he'll eventually warm up to the idea of playing in a game.  Only time will tell...


On the 16th of May, Nathan got to have the big bandage and splint take off his hand and had only this small wrap.