Wednesday, June 1, 2011

5/19 Soccer Game

We kept Nathan home from his first soccer game because he still had a pin in his finger.  So it fell out on it's own in time for the second game.  A couple of pictures:
 His shirt is just a tad big :)
 Nathan's first game was also picture day.  This turned out to be a disaster because it was less than organize and there was a lot of standing around and waiting.  Add in that Nathan hadn't napped that day and was tired before it even began.  It's no wonder it wasn't a stellar first time on the field.
Well, you're looking at the one and only time Nathan stepped on the field.  Shortly after this picture was shot he came running of the field and refused to go back.  He was tired and it was a new thing, so I understand.  It really surprised me though.  I figured he' have a great time.  Oh well, we'll keep trying.  He does great at practice so I'm thinking he'll eventually warm up to the idea of playing in a game.  Only time will tell...

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