Sunday, April 8, 2012

New Blog

Hi there family and friends,

This will be my last post from this particular site.  I will now be posting from

The Easter Bunny got me an iPad, and Blogger doesn't work on it.  So Dustin did whatever techie magic he does, and moved the blog over to the new address.  All the old posts are there, and I'll still be posting as I have in the past.  Now, it's just on a different blog site. (Wordpress instead of Blogger)  I'm hoping this new one turns out to be easier to use than the other.  It gave me all kinds of grief! :)  I'm sure Dustin would blame it on "user error", but I'm sticking to my story that it was Blogger. :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Baby Suite

I finished up my 2 little projects for Michael and Anna's room today.  I've enjoyed being "crafty" again.  I need to make time for more of this.  I'd forgotten how much fun it is. are some pictures of the finished (for now) babies' room:
 We had newborn pictures done of Michael and Anna.  So, I matted their pictures on some fun, cute scrapbook paper and hung them with a wooden initial that I painted and attached a cute animal to.
A close up of Michaels
 Anna's side
This paper goes perfectly with the flower in the picture.
 I also made some hangers for Anna's headbands
A close up of one of the headband hangers.  They need a little paint touch up, but I was anxious to see how they looked. :)

All in all, I'm pretty happy with how things turned out. :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Well after admitting to the pediatrician that the babies were sleeping in their bouncy seats at night, she suggested we try lowering one end of the mattress in their cribs to put them at an angle.  They've been sleeping in their bouncy seats because they wouldn't sleep flat without screeching and spitting.  So...yesterday I dropped one end of their cribs down a level and gave it a try for a morning nap.
Michael stretched out and went to sleep with no problem. 
Anna was not impressed however.  We may need to work on her a little bit.

I've been putting some finishing touches on their room, and will be posting pictures when it's all done.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Oh dear...

In my searching of the internet for little headbands, I stumbled across some "how-to's" on making headbands.  Turns out it's ridiculously cheap and easy to do.

Oh dear, Anna your headband collection is about to grow...

 Go Big Blue!
Blue and White headband I made for Anna for the Final 4 Kentucky Game

Friday, March 30, 2012

2 months old

Today was the babies' 2 month Dr visit, and my how they've grown!  Anna is now 9lbs 4oz and she's 21in long. Big boy Michael is now 11lbs 1oz and 22in long.  They both did great at their appointment and even had to have shots.

It must have been a tiring outing, because this is what they've done all afternoon since:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sunday at the Park

After naps on Sunday, Nathan declared he'd like to go to the park.  So off we went!

Baby Dedication

Sunday we had Michael and Anna dedicated in church.

(Sorry, I can't figure out how to turn this one)

Congrats and Farewell

Mom and Dad had a get together on Saturday to congratulate Adam on his Masters and to see Meg and Adam one last time before they move.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Quiet time with Momma

Today, during nap, Michael and Anna each had some awake time while the other was sleeping.  So I got some sweet one on one time with my babies.

 Little Miss
Look at those cheeks!

A beautiful morning

I'm coming to you this morning from my deck.  I'm sitting here, on my comfy patio furniture (recently rescued from storage, thanks dear!) watching my kiddos play in the back yard.  The sun and the breeze are glorious this morning.

The babies are enjoying the deck with me too, sporting their new sun hats.

Best. Tent. EVER!

Definitely my best tent, to date. :)
 It's got a window and everything :)

A great spot for driving some cars.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Funny pics

I was taking pictures of the babies yesterday trying to get a good one for church.  They're being dedicated this Sunday and I had to provide a pic to be put up on the screen.

Well, while taking the pictures, I got a couple of funny ones.

 Clearly I cut the top off of this one, but I love the expressions on their faces.  I think they were sharing a joke or something. :)

This is the one I went with.

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Park

It is a gorgeous day here.  So the kiddos and I spent the morning at the park.

1000 ruffles and 1 baby

Can you find the baby in this picture? :)
This is one of the fancy dresses Gran and Papaw got Anna.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sweet Nathan

Nathan's such a sweet big brother