Monday, January 23, 2012

Ultrasound pictures

So I had an ultrasound today.  The babies both looked great!  They're both 5 lbs and measuring perfectly.  
The tech got a couple of great shots with the 3D ultrasound:
 Baby Boy
Baby Girl

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Man I love these kids

Just look at these precious faces...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The babies' room

Well, I had a lovely shower over the weekend and got some darling bedding for the babies room.  So I've been working the last couple of days getting everything washed up and put away.  I think I've got the babies' room how I want it now. (Yes I've rearranged the furniture already)
 From the doorway

Sunday, January 8, 2012

And grown'

32 weeks and counting!

Friday, January 6, 2012

"No tired"

Today after lunch Connor went and grabbed his blanket and curled up in this chair.
The conversation that followed:
Me:  Connor, are you ready to go lay down for a nap?
Connor: No, no tired.

Yeah right. :)

Bath time fun

Santa brought Connor some foam blocks for the tub for Christmas.  They have been a huge hit. :)
(I looked very closely before posting this one, just to make sure everyone was decent!)


The boys got new Look and Find books for Christmas and they both love doing them.  It makes this Mommy's heart proud to find the boys sitting together looking at a book like this.  They're so sweet. :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Big Brother in Training

I had just gotten the carseats put back together after washing everything up, and Connor decided to check out the buckles.

Babies' Room

Dustin had last week off, so we got to have him home. :)  This means he finally had a chance to put the nursery furniture together.  Along with some other little projects back there.
 Notice all the help Dustin got putting together the cribs. :)
 View from the door
 It's definitely not a large room, so for now this crib is sitting in front of half of the closet.
The other side of the room.  

There's definitely still some finishing touches left to do on the room like bedding, wall stuff, and maybe some new curtains.  But I'm really happy with the way it turned out.  I go back there and just grin. :)  There really are 2 babies coming! :)

Merry Christmas

A few highlights from our Christmas day.  We were reminded again this year how very blessed we are with so many wonderful family and friends to spend Christmas with.
 Doing stockings on Mommy and Daddy's bed.  We actually woke them up this year, so we'd have plenty of time before church.
 Santa brought the boys a Spiderman playset with all the guys and vehicles to go with it.
 Connor trying out the new Tag Jr. reader.
 Ooo, big box!
 New parking garage for the cars
 Spiderman web shooter!
 Trying out the new LeapPad
 The four of us after lunch at Dustin's Grandma's
 Stockings with Grandma
 Fun, Zippity game system.
 My Grandpa made the boys a sled for Christmas. 
 Connor and Great Grandma playing with the MagnaDoodle
The boys playing playdough with their Great Grandparents.  Not sure who had more fun... :)

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was spent together as a family, just enjoying the day.  We spend the morning in our jammies, just being a family. After lunch and naps we got ready and headed out for the day's plans.  Our first stop was the fire station a couple blocks away.  We often walk by this station in the summer and admire the fire trucks, and started a new tradition last year by taking cookies to the firemen on Christmas Eve.  So we talked to the boys about taking the cookies to the firemen to thank them for keeping us safe and working on Christmas Eve.  Of course they both clammed up when we got there and wouldn't say a word to the nice man who answered the door, but Nathan did at least hand him the plate of cookies.

From there, we headed to Dustin's folks for our Christmas with them.  Some highlights of the rest of our Christmas Eve: 

Very cool hotwheels track!
 Oh boy, Cars slippers!
 Nathan making a goofy face, wearing his Spiderman slippers.
 The boys at home, opening their new jammies for Christmas Eve.  I went against my usual tendencies and did not buy Christmas themed, or matching this year.  They were both thrilled with my choices though!
Sporting the new jammies, the boys head out front to leave carrots for the reindeer.