Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was spent together as a family, just enjoying the day.  We spend the morning in our jammies, just being a family. After lunch and naps we got ready and headed out for the day's plans.  Our first stop was the fire station a couple blocks away.  We often walk by this station in the summer and admire the fire trucks, and started a new tradition last year by taking cookies to the firemen on Christmas Eve.  So we talked to the boys about taking the cookies to the firemen to thank them for keeping us safe and working on Christmas Eve.  Of course they both clammed up when we got there and wouldn't say a word to the nice man who answered the door, but Nathan did at least hand him the plate of cookies.

From there, we headed to Dustin's folks for our Christmas with them.  Some highlights of the rest of our Christmas Eve: 

Very cool hotwheels track!
 Oh boy, Cars slippers!
 Nathan making a goofy face, wearing his Spiderman slippers.
 The boys at home, opening their new jammies for Christmas Eve.  I went against my usual tendencies and did not buy Christmas themed, or matching this year.  They were both thrilled with my choices though!
Sporting the new jammies, the boys head out front to leave carrots for the reindeer.

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