Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

 Happy to be going for a walk :)  (Or in their case, a run)
 Michael and Anna's first walk

A puddle, some rocks, and a stick makes for some happy little boys!

New stamps

Aunt Brenda brought the boys some stamps to paint with.  We didn't get a chance to do it while she was here.  The stomach bug hit us all that week.  We finally got a chance to try them out on Sunday.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Tummy Time

Anna got fussy after a while, but Michael snuggled in and went to sleep. :)

New bible

 Connor got a new little New Testament in his class at church.  He is SO proud of that little bible. He pulled this chair up and told us he was going to read his new bible.
"Take picture of my new bible"

Friday, February 24, 2012

My guys

All four of them :)

Pretty Girl

What can I say? She wanted her hair done. :)
(I did take it back off shortly and put her hat back on to keep that little head warm.
I just wanted to play a little) :)
Connor saw her and said, "Oh my, pretty Anna!"

Thursday, February 23, 2012

So Sweet

3 weeks old

Clearly Michael was not impressed, but Anna was at least awake this time! :)

The big boys

I started to title this "The Boys"  Then I realized that doesn't work if I'm not also talking about Michael. 
So anyway...a couple of pictures of the big boys: 
 I got a delivery of diapers and a new swing for the babies yesterday, so we had 2 big boxes to play in. :)
Mr Connor

Monday, February 20, 2012

Dinosaur bones

The boys dug for "dinosaur bones" with Aunt Brenda today.


At some point, I'll probably stop taking a picture of the babies in their church clothes every Sunday.  
But they were too cute not to. :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

So cozy

Big Brother

Nathan helped me give Michael and Anna a little sponge bath today.  
He was so proud that he got to help.

Really out

It's amazing these babies can sleep so soundly with their not so quiet big brothers around...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Big Brothers

I had both babies down on the floor changing them this morning and the boys seized the opportunity to love on them a little bit.  It was very sweet.

Friday, February 10, 2012

It's working!

In an attempt to help the babies (Anna especially) keep their temps up, we've created what we lovingly refer to as "the sauna".  We put our space heater in the bedroom and parked their bouncy seats next to it.  We've been splitting up their time between being in the living room with us (being held usually) and being in the sauna to snooze in their bouncy chairs.  So it's been pretty toasty for us sleeping at night, but it's keeping our kiddos warm.

They had a weight check today, and keeping them warmer has helped big time.  Michael gained 6 ounces and is now 6 lbs even.  Anna gained 3 ounces and is now 5lbs4oz.

Berenstain Bears

Mom brought the boys a couple of Berenstain Bears books and they were an instant hit with Nathan.  So while Dustin and I were out taking the babies to the Dr I ran in to the library to get a few more.  This picture was this evening after we brought them home and Nathan had Mom read one after another.


The boys thought it was hysterical to lay in the boppy like the babies do. :)

Great Grandma and the Boys

Meeting Great Grandma

Michael and Anna meeting Great Grandma Phyllis

Packing Material

A package I got recently had long pieces of paper as the packing material.  My craftly little brain thought, "hmm, there's a project here somewhere".  So we smoothed it out (or at least tried) and traced the boys.  They had a blast with this. :)

In case you need...

a good laugh.  Check out my Connor. :)

Fun with Grandma

The boys have really been enjoying Grandma being here to play with. :)

A little art project

The last couple of days have definitely been my best days since having the babies.  I've felt so much more like myself, so I actually felt up to doing a little project with the boys again.  We all had SO much fun with this one.  It's a project we've done before.  We mixed a tablespoon of flour, a tablespoon of salt, water, and some food coloring.  After you paint on the cardboard, you put the picture in the microwave for 30 seconds.  It makes the "paint" puff up.  The boys love to stand on the kitchen stools and watch their pictures in the microwave.