Friday, February 10, 2012

It's working!

In an attempt to help the babies (Anna especially) keep their temps up, we've created what we lovingly refer to as "the sauna".  We put our space heater in the bedroom and parked their bouncy seats next to it.  We've been splitting up their time between being in the living room with us (being held usually) and being in the sauna to snooze in their bouncy chairs.  So it's been pretty toasty for us sleeping at night, but it's keeping our kiddos warm.

They had a weight check today, and keeping them warmer has helped big time.  Michael gained 6 ounces and is now 6 lbs even.  Anna gained 3 ounces and is now 5lbs4oz.

1 comment:

  1. Oh they look so cozy!! :-) I guess Grant being brought home on the hottest day of the year was a good thing. It was 103 degrees and we were worried he would too hot. Lol! I remember sitting out on the front porch with him just in a diaper trying to get him a little sun since he started turning a little jaundice. But I can only imagine how hard it is to keep body temps up in -2 weather. :)

    I absolutely love the zebra outfit by the way! :) too cute!

