Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Busy Girl

Goodness, I am behind again.  One would think that being a stay at home mom would mean I'd have all kinds of time to keep up with this.  Ha!  That "one" must not know my boys. :)  Yep, they keep me pretty busy.   Add to that babysitting and I'm a pretty busy girl.  I've had 2 extra babysitting kids the last couple of days too.  We're about to see a change in the babysitting situation.  Tony and Evie, who have been with us just over 2 years will be leaving us.  Their last day is next Friday.  God, in his ever amazing timing, presented 2 other kids who need babysitting now who will be taking their place.  They will only be three days a week, so I'll have a couple of days "off" each week.  This will definitely help as this pregnancy progresses and I find myself needing more rest. 

Anyway, back to the point.  I'm behind on putting up some pictures.  We went to Pigeon Forge a couple weeks ago and I've yet to get those up.  Plus a few since.  I'll try and get caught up soon.  I'll be honest, this Blogger site drives me nuts.  I've always thought it could be a little more user friendly.  Although Dustin would probably tell me it's not the program but "user error". :-P

So, stay tuned there's more to come.  I haven't forgotten!

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