Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sensory Box

Well we made a new sensory box over the weekend.  I had ordered some Water Beads, which are used in flower arrangements I guess.  They come as little beads that you put in a big tub of water over night and they swell up.  They end up being gel like balls.  So we tried some out this weekend.  They were definitely a hit.

This morning we stacked the water bead box on top of the light box for a little added interest.  Fun fun. :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Light box

So, as I've been playing on Pinterest.com I have come across some DIY lightboxs.  They looked like something fun to try for the kiddos.  So I made one.  I had an empty tub that I lined with foil to reflect the light back up towards the lid.  I put a string of Christmas lights in the box, covered it with an old pillow case I cut apart, and put on the lid.  So, that's it.   It does give an added element to play by adding light.  The kids had a ball with it this morning.
 The little ones chose to just play with the colored discs.
I had several transparency teaching items left from my school days, so the big boys ended up play mostly with those.  Especially the clocks and coins.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bible Verse

Posting this the normal way in hopes that you Non-facebook people can see it...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Clean Mud

Today's adventure: we made clean mud.  I had done this with my kids at the daycare, but had forgotten about it. Then I stumbled upon the directions for it again and new my kiddos would love it.
 I shaved 2 bars of ivory soap, and the boys help me shred 2 rolls of toilet paper into it.

 Then I poured warm water in and we mixed it up.  As the soap "melted" it all combined into our "mud".  Very fun!
Mr Fussy Hands ended up being the one playing the longest.  Quite surprising!  The face is because he didn't want his picture taken. :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Puffy Paint

Today's project was puffy paint.  The big boys had a lot of fun with this.  Connor was busy playing cars and Hannah was still napping, so Nathan and Jacob and I did this one.
 This one was pretty easy.  We mixed 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of flour with enough water to make a smooth consistency.  Then we added the food coloring of their choice.
 Connor did come see what we were up to, so he painted a little too.
The boys painted the paint onto cardboard and then the fun part was next.  We put their pictures in the microwave for 30 seconds and they puffed up and got hard.  It was very neat. :)  They each had to stand on a stool in front of the microwave to watch the magic happen.  I was spotting them, or there'd be pictures of that too! :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Nesting, I think

So, this afternoon I got the bug to revamp the playroom a little.
I think I'm nesting already.
I seem to be doing everything else early with these babies, why not nest too? :)
 The first thing we did was create a reading corner.  We took the books off the bookshelf and put them in the baskets.  It's funny how changing where something is kept makes it like new.  They both sat down and looked at books after we put this cozy little corner together.
 After taking the books off the bookshelf, I was able to completely devote it to the craft supplies.
Nathan has dubbed this the "project center."  The little trash can and alphabet poster were added after a quick dollar tree run.
 My wonderful husband hung this felt board up and I attached a section of a shoe organizer to the bottom to hold the felt pieces.
I ran out of steam (and it was time to make supper) before I got to this section of the playroom.  So when the mood strikes again, this will be my next project.  It could use some serious organizing.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Crayon Letters

So, I recently discovered pinterest.com  It's described as a "virtual pinboard". You can "pin" pictures and links of things you find on the web to your board.  Anyway, I found this idea on there and had to try it. 
I think they turned out great!
 A few boxes of crayons, a couple of frames, paper, and some tacky glue and we're off!
 I printed their initials in BIG font and we glued them to some scrapbook paper.  
Oh look, Nathan picked green!
Not too bad for an afternoon if I do say so myself!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Dustin helped someone from church move this afternoon, so after naps the boys and I made cookies. :)

 Enjoying the finished project

Yep, they're green.  Guess who picked the color? :)