Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Puffy Paint

Today's project was puffy paint.  The big boys had a lot of fun with this.  Connor was busy playing cars and Hannah was still napping, so Nathan and Jacob and I did this one.
 This one was pretty easy.  We mixed 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of flour with enough water to make a smooth consistency.  Then we added the food coloring of their choice.
 Connor did come see what we were up to, so he painted a little too.
The boys painted the paint onto cardboard and then the fun part was next.  We put their pictures in the microwave for 30 seconds and they puffed up and got hard.  It was very neat. :)  They each had to stand on a stool in front of the microwave to watch the magic happen.  I was spotting them, or there'd be pictures of that too! :)

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