Thursday, March 15, 2012

6 weeks old

I can't believe my little bundles are 6 weeks old already!
They're doing great and both growing.  Anna is no longer swimming in newborn clothes!  They actually fit her pretty well now and the 0-3 months stuff isn't laughably big anymore.  Michael, being the bigger of the two, is moving out of newborn and starting to fit into 0-3 stuff pretty well.  We go on the 30th for their 2 month check up, and I'm looking forward to seeing what their weights are.

We're seeing more awake time from them both.  Now if they'd just do it in the day and not also in the middle of the night we'd be really happy!  They've both started stretching out their nighttime sleep and are sleeping around 6 hours for one stretch of the night.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to squeeze them :-) they're such snuggle bunnies! They are looking wonderful and so healthy! You guys are great parents! Keep up the good (hard) work!
    Aunt B
