Friday, March 2, 2012

A confession

I admitted something out loud for the first time last night.  Something I knew, something I even knew would be true.  I'm just getting around to admitting: this is hard.  Having 2 little boys and 2 newborns is not for wimps. I'm exhausted and a little stressed at the craziest moments.  
Having said that, I will say that today marks the end of my first week flying solo in this crazy little life and I'm feeling pretty good about it.  I won't lie, there's been some rough moments.  But I've manged a couple of outings on my own.  I took all 4 to the bank and to Walmart.  We have all been going to church on Sunday mornings and last night we took the babies to Wednesday night church.  I even made it through my entire class without going to peek at them in the nursery! :)  We even had the babies' newborn pictures taken on Saturday.
I feel like we're making it.  And when I feel like I'm not going to make it, something like this happens:
and I smile (take a quick picture) and thank God for the incredible ways he has blessed us.


  1. You and Dustin are incredible parents to 4 of the sweetest blessings! They are a joy and a handful! Keep on keeping on :-)

  2. Dad and I are proud of you and Dustin for the great parents you are. To recognize our blessings in the middle of occasional chaos is sunshine in our day. Hang in there, remember your sense of humor-then exercise it:-)
