Sunday, March 4, 2012

Due Date

Well, yesterday was my due date with Michael and Anna.  They're actually supposed to be here now!  It really doesn't seem like it's been almost 5 weeks already (on Tuesday).  The time has gone so fast already.  I guess staying busy with 4 little ones will do that. :) 

 Wow, we really do have 4 kids.  I was reminded of this fact (lilke I forgot!) tonight at supper.  We ventured to Columbus this afternoon with all 4.  It got to be about supper time and we decided we either needed to get something to eat or get home because the big boys were getting hungry and grouchy.  After a little debating about whether we really wanted to take 2 tired boys and 2 soon to be hungry babies out to eat we decided, "why not?"  So anyway, back to my reminder about our family size...
We went to Rivera Maya and when the host asked how many, I thought a second and realized the answer was, "6!".  Yep.  We're now a family of 6.
A little picture from today.  No, it doesn't have anything to do with what I've written (other than it's Michael and Anna).  And yes, it's another church outfit picture.  It's just so much fun having a little girl to dress and a little boy to coordinate with her. :)

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